Monday, November 2, 2009

Why I Hate Halloween

So I've been awful at this whole keeping a blog thing, I doubt anyone cares though. But I will make a post today of why as a retail pharmacy technician I really hate Halloween.

First I work at a discount retailer won't say which, but we have a hefty halloween section right in my line of sight. I saw so many girls in slutty costumes I wanted to burn out my retinas because most of them had no business being in them. Plus everyone would like thier recreational drugs (also why I dislike New Year's Eve). It's sad when our supplier knows to send us two extra cases of Sudafed 24 Hour in preparation for the fantastic holiday weekend. Note: Meth users don't think you fool us when you come in line saying your buying for your grandma (which is illegal to purchase for anyone but a minor, opposite of alcohol huh), or when you come in line with the sniffles I will send you to the Benadryl faster than you can blink. And we know that hardly anyone in my area (redneck city) with no teeth would be caught dead buying name-brand Sudafed unless it was for the meth. Science quiestion: Why is the Sudafed 24 Hour the preferred pseudoephedrine product for meth users?
A: Because Sudafed 24 Hour puts the most pseudoephedrine in each tablet, meaning more pseudoephedrine in each tablet meaning less filler and garbage the meth maker has to get rid of in the process, meaning a simpler work-up and a higher percent yield (aka less likely to blow up house and more drugs with less shit to dispose of.)

But I digress, because not only do the customers come in cracked out but apparently so do some of the other employees at the store. Woman who works there, we call her Gustapo because she is in charge of the door and will stop little old grandmas with a case Boost because it's not in a bag. Well Gustapo has a lazy eye and is a little bit batty, classic old maid though somehow she reproduced, jury is still out on how the heck that happened. But she comes to work in a wedding dress, veil and all. And not a conservative one either, things that make you go blahhhhhhhh.

Back to recreational drug use, this happened to our newest pharmacy tech (let's call her Eva) and we shall tease her about it relentlessly. A wife comes in for the family meds, and on that list is her husband's Viagra. Which all of the ED medications are quite pricey, and so Eva tells her the cost and the wife asked which one cost so much. Eva says the Viagra is the biggie, and the wife says, "for that price it better be!" Sorry to disappoint you lady but Viagra just makes it go up, not grow up.

Thus ends my "Why I hate Halloween" post, tune in next year when I might possibly have another post.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Washington D.C.

So I recently traveled to Washington D.C. which should be called the city of memorials. We got Paris (City of Lights), Rome (Eternal City), New York, (City that Never Sleeps). So I nominate D.C. as the City of Memorials, there are war memorials, memorials to presidents, memorials to tragedies, and even a memorial to Einstein. I was shocked, of course I got a picture next to Einstein. I also saw President Obama's motorcade, which is a really cool experience because they block of the streets for like 10 minutes, there are about 2 cop cars and a dozen cop motorcycles as well as about 5 secret service/other vehicles all racing down city streets at like 50 miles per hour. It is ridiculous how fast those guys go. But all in all D.C. was an amazing trip, and expenses wise it wasn't too bad because all the museums and things are free to get in. Like the Smithsonian, National Archives, and the Washington Monument to name a few. I couldn't believe that, the most we paid to get in somewhere was $1.50 to see Ford's Theatre where Lincoln was shot which also included the house across the street where he died.
In other vacation notes, if I get a B in Biochem this summer I am treating myself to the dream vacation to Europe that I want. It will be a trip with EF Tours, and seeing tons of sights all across Europe for a month. Pricetag: $4000, not including meals and souvenirs. I need to save some serious bank, but it would totally be worth it. And on that note, I better get back to studying. Going to see Angels and Demons tonight. I'll post a review tomorrow.


So today I broke down and signed up for twitter. Reason was simple breast cancer research. Rachelle Lefevre of the Twilight movie, is doing a charity event for every 10,000 followers she gets on Twitter she will donate 100$. There is also a similar quest with a funnier twist, if Peter Facinelli gets 500,000 followers by June 19th then the CEO of Twitter, Robert DeFranco will walk down Hollywood Blvd singing all the single ladies with a sign saying Twitter me. If Peter loses then he has to give Robert his twilight chair. I vote for Peter, because he comes up with much better terms.
If you want to follow me on Twitter my username is sarcasticchem, the ist wouldn't fit.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Again with the delayed post

This post is going to be short. I'm going to share with you guys a true story from a customer at the pharmacy yesterday.

"Where is your generic Tylenol?" -customer, I replied with the location.
"Sorry I meant Nyquil" again I replied with the location.
"Why is the Nyquil there?"
"That is our cough and cold aisle". I thought that would end the conversation.
"But why is Nyquil in the cough and cold aisle?" Those of you that know anything about medications will know that Nyquil is the knock you out make you feel happy when you have a cold medicine. Very widely used, very widely publicized.
Customer tried to save face, "Yes, but when you have a cold don't you have aches and pains?" "Sometimes, there's a pain reliever in Nyquil." I said, mind you this entire conversation I am being a girl and multitasking. I am also dropping and typing scripts, but paying complete attention to the customer, answering his questions as polite as can be when I really want to shout, "You're a f**king retard stop wasting my time."
Customer throws tantrum, complains to my pharmacist that I don't know what I am talking about and that I was rude. Mind you I have witnesses to my sickening politeness. Anyway I am still there working on my stuff and listening to this guy berate me for being an idiot. I was fuming, I wanted to throw something. He left in a huff, pharmacist turned to me and asked "How the hell did you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Not jump over the counter and punch that guy?"
"I've worked here for 3.5 years, if I punched every stupid a-hole that acted like that I would face jail time." Oh the joys of working at a pharmacy, it's days like today that I don't even mind the 25,000 in debt. I would still rather have that then spend the rest of my life as a pharmacist because it pays well.

Which leads me to my advice for tonight, don't pick a career that will make you tons of money, but your miserable everyday. Because money isn't everything, happiness is everything.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wow time goes fast

I can't believe it's been so long since my last post! I bought a new car a 2009 Cobalt, blue with gray interior nothing else matters when you're a girl.

I am working on research with a new professor and I love it, he's super cool and the project I am working on is incredible.

Waiting to hear from grad school everyone please cross your fingers!

Struggling through my senior year, because all hell is breaking loose with my school work right now. I don't know what I was thinking taking the course load that I took! Inorganic Chem (graduate level), Physical Chem 2, Chemical Instrumentation (graduate level), Organic Chem 2, as well as my research and making up an incomplete in my professional presentation class.

I am now working 3 jobs, my pharmacy tech job which is awful I hate people and certain jerkface pharmacists. I also have my on campus job working in a Qualitative Analysis class and in the stockroom. And I am tutoring 3 high school students several times a week. And yet because of the shitty ass economy I am still broke.

Since I last posted I got sucked in by the Twilight phenomenon. I had read the first 2 books prior to the movie, but the movie came out and I devoured the last 2. Now I am working on reading them all again for a second time. I am obsessed with the Twilight Lexicon because they give every little detail about the movies and the cast you could ever want to know. The Twilight guys are literally everywhere I think they are going to take over the world....literally democracy, communism, imperialism, dictatorships watch out twilightism will take over!!!!!!!

Well that is the update I will try to be more faithful to my blog in the upcoming weeks. I'm going to shoot for a post a week because that seems much more attainable than a post a day...what was I thinking?

Smart Ass in ChemSpeak