Thursday, October 2, 2008

Scatter-brained Professor

It is official I will one day become the scatter-brained professor. I am currently trying to clean my apartment because I wasn't able to do my research today because I lost my copy of the procedure. Maybe that's a good thing because the apartment needed to be cleaned. Laundry still isn't going to get put away. Sad thing is I did laundry last weekend. My ACS dues have been due since like August and I just sealed the envelope to mail it off. Hopefully I can get that mailed today. Oh I also need to get my things paid for the community college class I took over the summer so my current school can get the transcript. See told you scatter-brained. Or maybe just too much crap to do. I like to think it's the latter, oh well I should stop typing and get my butt to work and today might actually feel productive!

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