Monday, October 6, 2008

Professor's Are Full Of Themselves

I'm working in a research lab this semester and the professor I have been working with has given me the run-around to no end. First it started with our enability to make the initial meeting. Then the intitial meeting being 5 minutes of bullshit and making a second meeting. Second meeting he explained the research to me. Then he let me fly on my own, well that works for awhile when you are working in one solvent and have no major setbacks. Until the paper that I keep in the lab in my notebook disappears. I go to get a new one from him, of course he's not there and will not be there the entire day because he is sick. This was Thursday, Friday he leaves me a copy of the lab. I come in on Monday to pick it up and find out what my next project will be. I hit a wall I can no longer continue in the solvent I have been working on for it has been done already. So new solvent means new procedure, new work-up. Things I need the professor for, guess who is sick again and will not be in for the rest of the day. Professor screw up, so I email him again tell him that I have hit the brick wall because he didn't tell me how to work anything up in other solvents. Causing me to lose now 2 days of research work. You know what he has the audacity to tell me?! That I should plan ahead for these things and the fact that I have missed these 2 days will affect the outcome of my grade. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? This is supposed to be a GPA booster class, a way to earn some real world experience and help a Professor out with his goals. And Professor screw up who is never there and too lazy to tell me what to do is berating me for it!!!! Grr! Professors need to wake up and smell the roses that they need me and that they aren't infalliable. So I will be getting up on my only fucking sleep in day to go talk to him about how to do the lab, so that I can get my grade back on track. I was there ready to work, mind you I always come into the lab at the same time. He knows when to expect me and he said he would be around while I am working in the lab. Sorry that the only time I get 4 hour blocks of time between 9 and 5 doesn't work for you. Be a professor and teach me so I can fly solo and not need your assistance. After tomorrow he will see that I will not need to talk with him for the rest of the semester, unless he doesn't take my NMR samples. I already have 4 waiting for him.

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