Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A post on how stupid people can be

A patient came to the consultation window to ask the pharmacist a question. The pharmacist was on the phone taking call-in scripts off of our voicemail. They will be in on the phone awhile. Patient didn't want to wait so she just asked me her question. I love being a second choice, she had a box of suppositories in her hands. "Now, honey it says to insert these rectally. What is a rectally?" No lie, I explain that it means your rectum. "What's a rectum?" Your anus "What's my anus" the butthole "I got three holes down there honey which one do you mean?" The one in the far back "My asshole? Why didn't you say that in the first place" And she walked off like I was the dumb one.

I am in the midst of hell in my life, so I figured I should at least talk about someone who has it worse than me. Because I don't have to shove anything up my ass.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mole Day/National Chemistry Week

So this week is half done and it looks like I might survive. That was a questionable prospect. In a two week span I have taken a biochem test, the GRE general test and my major field acheivement test. Along with a hospital visit, bakesale, chemistry demonstration and a whole lot of other bullshit that has been tossed my way. I am safe to say I might survive, but because of everything I am severely behind in my research and Dr. Want-it-all is pissed at me. So I am running four reactions tomorrow when I normally run one and if I pull an all-nighter tonight I might be caught up with everything I have to do. I hate Thursdays and it is Mole Day.

I should explain a little about Mole Day and why in my world it is like an occult holiday. Some old dead dude named Avogadro came up with a number (6.022 x 10^23) that is used in every bit of chemistry ever done. This number signifies how many atoms/molecules in a mole, and a mole is a unit of measurement that chemists use to compare amounts of different elements and compounds. So on October 23rd from 6:02 am to 6:02 pm we celebrate Mole day, my school has a professor who dresses up like a mole. The American Chemical society has t-shirts for sale as well as little moles with safety goggles on and all other sorts of weird quirky Mole Day things. There is a Mole Day official website and there are 10 Commolements, I do not kid. Mole Day is huge.

In addition to Mole Day the entire week is National Chemistry Week, which means as the Treasurer of my university's Student Affliates of the American Chemical Sociey, I am being ran ragged. Monday: There was an hour long chemistry demonstration out in front of our school. Wednesday and Thursday: Booksale/Bakesale which I made cookies for and gathered the books for. Friday: We will be making t-shirts for our participation in the homecoming parade on Saturday. Then all this week we are collecting money for a Pie Your Professor contest that we will do next Wednesday during the Chem Club halloween party and at the party I will be blowing up another pumpkin. Yes, I said another we blew up pumpkins on Monday as well. Well I better go I have papers to grade, research yields to calculate and flyers to make.

My life sucks........

Monday, October 20, 2008

Bad Blogger

So my post a day idea, failed it failed miserably. So what I have I done these last 14 days. I worked too much at the crappy pharmacy job with the most arrogant shit of a man I have ever met. I took the GRE it didn't go well, so do not ask. My nephew said his first words, he can do a few things in sign language as well. He is only eight months old and absolutely amazing. I am so tired I am going to bed and I got absolutely nothing done this evening. This is a bad thing, a really really bad thing lol. Well until my next post good night.


Monday, October 6, 2008

Professor's Are Full Of Themselves

I'm working in a research lab this semester and the professor I have been working with has given me the run-around to no end. First it started with our enability to make the initial meeting. Then the intitial meeting being 5 minutes of bullshit and making a second meeting. Second meeting he explained the research to me. Then he let me fly on my own, well that works for awhile when you are working in one solvent and have no major setbacks. Until the paper that I keep in the lab in my notebook disappears. I go to get a new one from him, of course he's not there and will not be there the entire day because he is sick. This was Thursday, Friday he leaves me a copy of the lab. I come in on Monday to pick it up and find out what my next project will be. I hit a wall I can no longer continue in the solvent I have been working on for it has been done already. So new solvent means new procedure, new work-up. Things I need the professor for, guess who is sick again and will not be in for the rest of the day. Professor screw up, so I email him again tell him that I have hit the brick wall because he didn't tell me how to work anything up in other solvents. Causing me to lose now 2 days of research work. You know what he has the audacity to tell me?! That I should plan ahead for these things and the fact that I have missed these 2 days will affect the outcome of my grade. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? This is supposed to be a GPA booster class, a way to earn some real world experience and help a Professor out with his goals. And Professor screw up who is never there and too lazy to tell me what to do is berating me for it!!!! Grr! Professors need to wake up and smell the roses that they need me and that they aren't infalliable. So I will be getting up on my only fucking sleep in day to go talk to him about how to do the lab, so that I can get my grade back on track. I was there ready to work, mind you I always come into the lab at the same time. He knows when to expect me and he said he would be around while I am working in the lab. Sorry that the only time I get 4 hour blocks of time between 9 and 5 doesn't work for you. Be a professor and teach me so I can fly solo and not need your assistance. After tomorrow he will see that I will not need to talk with him for the rest of the semester, unless he doesn't take my NMR samples. I already have 4 waiting for him.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Vice-Presidential Debate

Of course I watched the debate last night, Biden kicked Palin's arse. And I enjoyed every minute of it. Palin may be a better speaker than most of the country thought, but she still seemed uninformed and very unsure of herself. Which is what happens when your isolated up there in the Alaskan tundra. She kept getting kicked in the teeth when it came to McCain's voting record, because she obviously didn't know it. She tried to get Biden to stop doing it by telling him to stop looking backward. She said the election is about change, but did she say how McCain would make things different? I don't think she did. You can watch the entire debate if you missed it or if you want to dissect it even further here:



Thursday, October 2, 2008

Scatter-brained Professor

It is official I will one day become the scatter-brained professor. I am currently trying to clean my apartment because I wasn't able to do my research today because I lost my copy of the procedure. Maybe that's a good thing because the apartment needed to be cleaned. Laundry still isn't going to get put away. Sad thing is I did laundry last weekend. My ACS dues have been due since like August and I just sealed the envelope to mail it off. Hopefully I can get that mailed today. Oh I also need to get my things paid for the community college class I took over the summer so my current school can get the transcript. See told you scatter-brained. Or maybe just too much crap to do. I like to think it's the latter, oh well I should stop typing and get my butt to work and today might actually feel productive!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I'm tired

Today's post will be short and rather brainless on my part because I am tired and I am doing my best to keep my post a day promise.

Life at the pharmacy:
Two lesbians come up to the consultation window. They say they're going to Texas to get a sperm donation.Lesbian 1: "Will saline solution keep sperm alive?" Pharmacist: "No it will probably kill them." Lesbian 2: "Oh okay, would you think a medicine dropper work for implanting the little guys?" Pharmacist: "Probably not, I would suggest a turkey baster."After lesbians walk away. Pharmacist: "Suck it up and have sex with the guy it'll be over in 10 minutes and all you have to do is lie there."

That is a true story that my pharmacist told me a few years back. There are many more where that come from.

Smart Ass in ChemSpeak