Monday, April 6, 2009

Wow time goes fast

I can't believe it's been so long since my last post! I bought a new car a 2009 Cobalt, blue with gray interior nothing else matters when you're a girl.

I am working on research with a new professor and I love it, he's super cool and the project I am working on is incredible.

Waiting to hear from grad school everyone please cross your fingers!

Struggling through my senior year, because all hell is breaking loose with my school work right now. I don't know what I was thinking taking the course load that I took! Inorganic Chem (graduate level), Physical Chem 2, Chemical Instrumentation (graduate level), Organic Chem 2, as well as my research and making up an incomplete in my professional presentation class.

I am now working 3 jobs, my pharmacy tech job which is awful I hate people and certain jerkface pharmacists. I also have my on campus job working in a Qualitative Analysis class and in the stockroom. And I am tutoring 3 high school students several times a week. And yet because of the shitty ass economy I am still broke.

Since I last posted I got sucked in by the Twilight phenomenon. I had read the first 2 books prior to the movie, but the movie came out and I devoured the last 2. Now I am working on reading them all again for a second time. I am obsessed with the Twilight Lexicon because they give every little detail about the movies and the cast you could ever want to know. The Twilight guys are literally everywhere I think they are going to take over the world....literally democracy, communism, imperialism, dictatorships watch out twilightism will take over!!!!!!!

Well that is the update I will try to be more faithful to my blog in the upcoming weeks. I'm going to shoot for a post a week because that seems much more attainable than a post a day...what was I thinking?

Smart Ass in ChemSpeak