Friday, November 14, 2008

You think your life sucks....Take a number

So I wrecked my car, into bramble off the side of the road. It is totalled I must look for a new car, I'm a broke college student, I could barely afford the first car... Life sucks, really what else can go wrong?

Friday, November 7, 2008

Professor Jerkwad!

So remember me talking about the professor who was full of himself? The one who gave me the runaround and blew me off, yeah yesterday he insinuated that I was an incompetent idiot and today he kicked me out of the lab because 2 hours is not long enough to do a 45 minute reaction. Obviously I am not doing research with him anymore. But unfortunately he is the only professor teaching a course I need for next semester. I am making damn sure he doesn't play favoritism. I have several friends in that course who witnessed me crying today, I'm sure they would let me use thier tests as evidence of unfair grading. Oh well at least I have already taken the lab portion! Thank goodness.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


WE DID IT OBAMA WON! America is about to undergo a massive change and it's been along time coming! I am so proud of my nation tonight. Now I shall go and study for a test, man being a college student sucks!!!!

Smart Ass in ChemSpeak